Agile Tools

At different moments while I had been working on agile projects, I was missing certain utilities for an effective interaction in remote teams. This project was designed to provide access to a clear set of collaborative tools for agile teams. Unlike conventional timer applications, Agile Timer ensures synchronized time management in virtual meetings and group sessions. Participants can signal task completion, enabling instructors to conclude time boxes ahead of schedule. Agile professionals, including Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches, are invited to explore the project and contribute additional functionalities to enhance daily work in agile teams.
In virtual meetings or at group sessions with many devices, existing timer applications often caused headaches. That's why I was working on a new revised solution. Now, all participants share the same timer. Each participant can also signal his or her completion of a certain group task. This allows instructors of workshops to terminate a time box earlier than originally anticipated.

Get in touch
You are a Scrum Master or Agile Coach? Please contact me, if you have a need for additional functionalities in your daily work in agile teams. Whenever possible, I may add it to the existing set of tools.